Monday, November 5, 2012


I can't stress enough how good I feel when I eat raw cuisine.  I know a lot of you are with me on this one.   It's hard to explain until you try it and feel the effects that raw natural food has on your body.  I try the best I can to eat raw as much as possible.  It's not always easy, but the effort is so worth it. 
I am fairly new to raw cuisine, but I love so much what it does for me, my friends and family.  I have small group of friends who have are on this same quest and it's been such a great experience so far.  I have been able to connect with so many great people in this community, it's been truly wonderful.   So, you can imagine my excitement when I realilzed I had the opportunity to take The Matthew Kenney Academy's first Weekend Intensive course.  Ever since I found out Matthey Kenney came to Los Angeles and opened his restaurant M.A.K.E. and his culinary academy, I have been jealous over those who were able to take the one month long cooking courses he offers.  My circumstances won't allow me currently to take those, but when he came out with a 2 day weekend intensive course  I was thrilled.
You can definitely learn new recipes and techniques from cookbooks, but there is nothing like learning hands on the how to make something.  I was able to hone my skills in the basic techniques of simple raw dishes that you would make at home. We also were able to use cuisine technology that has advanced the way raw food can be prepared.  I really enjoyed that.  It's truly amazing what can be done!  And the last thing that stuck with me was the emphasis on caring about how you plate your food.  A truly simple dish like butter lettuce salad plated beautifully really does taste that much better.  It adds to the whole experience.  You eyes take in the food first.  And if you ever have the chance to dine at his restaurant M.A.K.E. you will see what I mean.  Words really can't describe the gorgeousness of the dishes there.  Truly beautiful.
Here are some photos from my two days at the Academy


Raw food is not about eating a salad everyday. It's so much more than that.  If you combine the right ingredients together, you can create truly amazing and fabulously tasting dishes.  I love making new raw dishes and having my friends taste test.  It's been my way to convince them to get on this path.  And it's working too.   Please, continue on your quest to eat more raw cuisine.
Matthew Kenney and his team are so wonderful, so humble and gracious.  If you have the opportunity, come on over to The Matthew Kenney Academy and take one of his courses.  They will be offering online courses in 2013 too ... you won't regret it.


uknowlikeaustralia said...

What a great experience. You look so happy! I'm loving this Raw journey and so glad we can support each other in it. I definitely need to make a trip to M.A.K.E. I'm drooling just thinking about the tacos.

Felicia said...

Thank you uknowlikeaustralia! Yes, so glad we can support each other. And yes, you need to head over to M.A.K.E stat. :) xF

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