

My name is Felicia and I am very excited to begin this new chapter in my life. My life is surrounded by fabulously wonderful friends and family, many who have the same passions, loves and desires as I do. One of them being to feed our families with healthy food and treats.  This blog is about sharing healthy recipes, fun things revolving around food and the kitchen and maybe some other fabulous things we come across living in Los Angeles.  This blog is also to help people like me and many of my friends, to transition into incorporating a more plant based diet into their lives, to eat more raw foods in their natural state and see the benefits from doing so.

This journey began earlier year as I struggled physically with diet and weight as most women do.  With an extremely busy schedule, I just couldn't seem to loose the baby weight after having my son 3-1/2 years ago and finding the time to exercise.  Coming to grips with the fact that I do not digest meat protein well (painful at times) and embracing the fact that I have to be vegan/vegetarian because of it has lit up inside me like never before.  I did my yearly cleanse earlier this year like I usually do but this time it was different.  The way I felt after the cleanse, left my body truly craving clean healthy food.  A lot of it had to do with my mind set.  

I started researching and looking into raw eating and it has evolved into something special, with a circle of friends on the same mission.  Even after I had only been eating mostly raw for a couple months, I had friends commenting on how I looked.  My skin became smoother and tighter.  I did not have any issue with bloating... I can't remember the last time I really had a flat stomach!  I lost weight naturally. This is how we should be eating.  Back to the basics, eating foods as close as possible to its natural state.  Less processed.

This year I also had a very close friend of mine, Jean-Marie, who is also one of the contributors to this blog, diagnosed with cancer.  Her mission was to beat this bad boy!  She is in the middle of treatment right now, and things are looking really positive.  I am not saying that eating raw is the cure all for everything, because I am not a doctor, I only know how eating this way makes me feel, we are giving power back to our bodies to do what it is supposed to do.   To take care of us.  And Jean-Marie agrees that she has never felt better when sticking a mainly raw diet.   The less chemicals we put into our system, the body has that much more power to take care of itself.

Now, we may not be able to eat raw 100 percent of the time, but our goal is to continue to eat as much raw and healthy food as possible.  We are just doing the best we can, right?  This isn't a 100% raw food blog.  We'll be including vegan items too.  And occasionally splurging here and there. Hey, we are only human!  But we'll always try to keep it exciting, fun and healthy.  I

I am a designer who's real passion is cooking for friends. I love living in southern California with my wonderful husband and adorable son.  I hope you enjoy reading along as we travel through this thing we call life.




  1. I love your blog and I am inspired by Jean-Marie's story! It is amazing what raw food can do for our health and well-being

  2. Hello Quincy Leah, Thank you so much for your comment! Much appreciated! We are all inspired by Jean-Marie and encouraged to keep on the path. Thank you so much for stopping by. xFelicia
